四川空姐服定制 - 四川空姐服定做价格 - 米兰弘服装
货源类别:量身定制 服装品牌:米兰弘
服装质量:合格产品 执行标准:GB18401-2010
误差范围:百分之一 面料名称:仿毛贡丝锦
服装产地:北京河北 定做工期:15天或协商
服装亮点:气质干练 适应季节:春、夏、秋、冬
适用场合:航空空姐 适合人群:青年女
产品类别:空姐套装 服装配置:外套+裙子/裤子
价格优惠:100套标准价 200套9.5折 300套9折(20套起定)
Sichuan flight attendant clothing custom-Sichuan flight attendant clothing custom price
四川空姐服定制——选择诚信靠谱的米兰弘服装公司。米兰弘品牌服装从事服装定制10年,有丰富的服装制作经验,专业为企事业单位设计制作了四川省:成都市、绵阳市、自贡市、攀枝花市(东区、西区、仁和区、米易县、盐边县)、泸州市、德阳市、广元市、遂宁市、内江市、乐山市、资阳市、宜宾市、南充市、达州市、雅安市、阿坝藏族羌族自治州、凉山彝族自治州、广安市、巴中市、眉山市的空姐服装定做、航空空中乘务员工服订制、航空空乘服装定制。公司从德国引进两条现代的服装生产流水线,拥有一批强大的设计师、打版师技术团队,完全能胜任贵单位的服装定制需求。四川空姐服定做价格 ,根据服装选择的款式和面料而定。米兰弘服装欢迎您的来电咨询!
Sichuan flight attendant clothing custom-choose Milan Hong clothing company with integrity. Milan Hong brand clothing has been engaged in clothing customization for 10 years and has rich experience in clothing production. It has designed and produced Sichuan provinces for enterprises and institutions: Chengdu, Mianyang City, Zigong City, Panzhihua City (East, West, Renhe, Miyi , Yanbian County), Luzhou City, Deyang City, Guangyuan City, Suining City, Neijiang City, Leshan City, Ziyang City, Yibin City, Nanchong City, Dazhou City, Ya'an City, Aba Tibetan Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Guang'an City , Bazhong City, Meishan City, flight attendant clothing custom-made, aviation flight attendant service tailor, aviation flight attendant clothing custom. The company has introduced two modern clothing production lines from Germany. It has a strong technical team of designers and pattern designers, and is fully capable of tailoring your company's clothing. The custom-made price of Sichuan stewardess suits depends on the style and fabric of the clothing choice. Milan Hong Clothing welcomes your inquiries!
四川空姐服定制 - 四川空姐服定做价格 - 米兰弘服装:https://www.milanho.com/productinfo/126305.html