北京空姐服定制 - 量体定做时尚空姐服 - 米兰弘服装
货源类别:量身定制 执行标准:GB18401-2010
适用场合:航空/高铁 产品类别:空姐服套装
服装亮点:端庄美观 服装品牌:米兰弘
适应季节:春、夏、秋 适合人群:青年女
定做工期:15天或协商 服装质量:合格品
面料名称:仿毛哔叽/贡丝锦 误差范围:1%
服装配置:外套+裙子 服装产地:北京/河北
价格优惠:100套标准价 200套9.5折 300套9折(20套起定)
Beijing flight attendant clothing custom-tailor-made fashion flight attendant clothing-Milan Hong clothing
Beijing flight attendant clothing customization-choose Milan Hong clothing company with integrity and strength. Focus on Beijing: Dongcheng District, Xicheng District, Haidian District, Chaoyang District, Fengtai District, Mentougou District, Shijingshan District, Fangshan District, Tongzhou District, Shunyi District, Changping District, Daxing District, Huairou District, Pinggu District, Yanqing District, Miyun District enterprise fashion design, tailor-made aviation flight attendant clothing, aviation professional college flight attendant clothing customized, aviation flight attendant clothing customized. The company has a complete management system, professional technical staff, can complete the production of clothing on time and quality. Choosing Milan Hong means choosing your clothing steward wisely.
北京空姐服定制 - 量体定做时尚空姐服 - 米兰弘服装:https://www.milanho.com/productinfo/1442737.html