前门西服订制 - 前门量身定制羊毛西服 - 米兰弘服装
货源类别:量身定制 服装品牌:米兰弘
服装质量:合格产品 执行标准:GB18401-2010
误差范围:百分之一 面料名称:羊毛哔叽
服装产地:北京河北 定做工期:15天或协商
服装亮点:时尚华丽 适应季节:春、夏、秋、冬
适用场合:上班日常 适合人群:中青年男女
产品类别:西服套装 服装配置:外套+裙子/裤子
价格优惠:100套标准价 200套9.5折 300套9折(20套起定)
Tailor-made suits for the front door-Milan Hong clothing
Milan Hong clothing brand is Beijing: Dongcheng District, Xicheng District, Haidian District, Chaoyang District, Fengtai District, Mentougou District, Shijingshan District, Fangshan District, Tongzhou District, Shunyi District, Changping District, Daxing District, Huairou District, Pinggu District, Various large-scale enterprises, joint ventures / private companies, foreign-funded institutions, and public institutions in Yanqing District and Miyun District tailor-made "tailor-made tailored women's suits", "beauty business professional suits" and "formal wool suits" tailored to work and life. Dress is required for occasions. In order to better demonstrate the taste of life, exquisite yet elegant luxury temperament, highlight fashion and also show meticulous pursuit of work and life, Zhou designer will match clothing according to customer requirements and follow the trend of fashion design .
前门西服订制 - 前门量身定制羊毛西服 - 米兰弘服装:https://www.milanho.com/productinfo/72352.html